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1.6 Atelier Workshop 3

Using the previous workshop method, we then extrapolated it into our personal studio project.

These was the outcome from the workshop.

During the discussion, my board was chosen and I got some critical comments that helped.

Yasser: look at people who are keeping tabs on the current obsessions, and those who see it as a problem

Clara: don't ask the same 2 questions for just one group, seek different perspectives

Guo Wen:

  • find out practices that make it unsustainable

  • summative might be the wrong way since the facts are not concrete yet, maybe make it to a formative research

Showcase the hoarding by an overwhelming feeling, normalcy of the absurdity.

Categorise by popularity and price

Flexing and a competition


Research Tips:

The difference between user research and market research

  • User research focuses on why a problem happens to someone and how can it be solved

  • Market research looks at who is the target and what they will buy.

Providing the best solution requires you to know them very well, thus its importance.


what: one of several types of qualitative research where research immerse themselves in a specific group to observe interactions of its different members and collect information

when: highly implemented in anthropology and social sciences. in the fields of design, it helps researchers gain a better view of the user's experience by understanding a problem better.

how: can be conducted in many ways, several methods. it can be passive or active, closed or open, overt or covert


  • a great way to understand and its a real, direct access to information

  • easier to identify and analyse issues directly experienced by the user

  • easy to deliver a faithful version of the user's reaction and feelings

why not:

  • time-consuming

  • difficult to implement in a pandemic

  • possibility of users not acting naturally when researching

Some distinctions:

  • Open or Closed

    • does it have formal barriers

    • a closed or private group?

  • Overt or Covert

    • covert sometimes brings ethical reason

  • Active or Passive

    • depending on the demands of setting

    • an active role involves trying to fully integrate, carrying out tasks like any other member of the community

    • a passive role is when you are standing back from the activities of others, behaving as a distant observer

Observation method:

  • Qualitative

  • Very common in the field in design

  • also used for market research (not targeting users but consumers)

5 Steps to consider

  • Prep (before)

  • Take notes (during)

  • Write about it (right after)

  • Perfect content (after)

  • Cross data with lit review (after)

Other methods

combining other qualitative methods:

  • interviews focus group

  • participant observation

  • analyse existing data

Methods of Observation:

  • Contextual inquiry

  • Observational research

  • Photo ethnography

  • Self ethnography

  • Unstructured interviews

  • Visual anthropology



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